Table 4: Export of hazardous wastes and other wastes 

Tables 4 and 5 seek listing of all the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes that were subject to control in accordance with the Basel Convention or with national legislation and that took place during the period of the concerned reporting year.


Table 4 focuses on export of hazardous wastes and other wastes.


Two types of visualization are available:


Overview: aggregates data provided by Parties and shows total amounts of hazardous and other wastes exported. Data can be filtered by regions of the world, exporting Parties and range of years. The results can be seen in the form of charts, tables and interactive maps.


Detailed view: shows line-by-line data provided by exporting Parties including all the fields requested by table 4. Data can therefore be filtered by:

-          Regions of the world;

-          Parties;

-          Reporting year;

-          Annex VIII, II or IX code;

-          Annex I code (Y code);

-          Hazardous characteristics – Annex III code (H code);

-          Country of destination;

-          Final disposal operation – Annex IV A code (D code);

-          Recovery operation – Annex IV B code (R code).